воскресенье, 10 марта 2013 г.

Dead Space 3: review, game, video

They say that life is like a zebra - stripes in black, white stripe, and in the end still waiting ass. Perhaps this saying applies to everyone but Isaac Clarke, because he has no bands: his whole life - one big ass. Just think - a normal engineer, once getting involved in the story of the damned obesliskami now forced to endlessly surf the cosmos and pour tons of ugly Necromorphs.

пятница, 8 марта 2013 г.

Tomb Raider: New Lara Croft

Video games often struggle to produce believable characters. Striking the right balance between fiction and reality is hard for any medium, let alone one whose drive to entertain frequently overrides its capacity to comment on the human condition. This is why we generally commend video games that succeed in creating convincing virtual worlds, but abstain from criticizing the ones that don't.

Black Mesa: Source

Black Mesa (formerly Black Mesa: Source) is a Half-Life 2 total conversion remaking of Valve Software's award-winning PC game, Half-Life.

Последнее изгнание дьявола

Второе пришествие
Нелл находят в лесу — грязную и напуганную, только что сбежавшую со страшного ритуала. Вся её семья погибла, и девушку отправляют в Новый Орлеан — приют для девочек.

Competition "Evolution": Life for Life!

The flash head ... Dying does not hurt. Just seconds and you're flying over this mortal world where that distance. No love, no sorrow, no pity, only happiness and ease.

четверг, 7 марта 2013 г.


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